Increasing Teacher Buy In

Distinguish the different “levels” your teachers are on as diverse learners, and identify strategies that would support those various levels.  This gives you a sense of agency in their ability to impact all teachers, no matter your teachers’ willingness to embrace challenge and change.

Length: 1.5 hours

Format: Live - Virtual (inquire about in-person options)

Leveling Framework

Coaches map their teachers onto a Whole Educator-specific framework that assesses the varying "levels" of their educators.

Concrete Strategies

Coaches learn concrete strategies on how to build buy in with each level. They are able to practice those strategies and make a plan to implement immediately.

Shifting Mindsets

Coaches are able to see their educators in a new light. They reflect on the reasons behind ineffective strategies from the past and are empowered to sustain buy in with their educators.

The Tools You Need To Increase Teacher Buy In

Live Workshop (Virtual)


  • Levels of Willingness FrameworkĀ 
  • Concrete strategiesĀ 
  • Immersive practices
  • Modeling
  • Intentional practice
  • Action Steps

Live Workshop with Follow Up Coaching


  • All features of live workshop
  • Follow up on action steps from the workshop
  • Coaching support on barriers to success
  • Intentional next steps
  • Create a sustainable change plan 

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