About me

At The Whole Educator, we empower ambitious school coaches to increase their impact.


Journey into my world and background with Episode 1 of my podcast: 

Coaching the Whole Educator Podcast Ep 1

As the founder of The Whole Educator, I like to think of myself as multi-passionate and mildly obsessed with all things coaching. I'm a former teacher, life coach, performance coach, world traveler and complete extrovert. Having lived internationally for years, I understand the importance of looking beneath the surface to understand people's behaviors and choices. 

I can read people by just talking to them for a few minutes and care deeply about the folks around me thriving. I'll help you move from using vague coaching strategies to understanding the source of your teachers' actions and apply differentiated strategies from a well-developed coaching toolbelt.

I know what it's like.

Coaching teachers can feel frustrating and downright exhausting.

When I first transitioned into my school coaching position from being in the classroom, I did my best to "stay in my lane" and not mix my life coaching training with the instructional coaching I was hired to do. I also continuously tried to get my teachers to do what I did in the classroom . 

I was wildly successful with my strategies, so why wouldn't they be?

Imagine a coach running around, modeling often with "this is how I did it" stories and mimicking the limited strategies I saw other coaches doing. It didn't take me long to realize I was ineffective (and exhausted).

I was used to being one of the best teachers in my school and now I was flailing. I needed help. 

It wasn't until I really leaned into all of my coaching training and embraced who I really was that I finally started producing results. And once I found that balance between training effective instructional strategies and addressing the source of ineffectiveness everything feel into place.

And that's why I started The Whole Educator.

I saw other coaches struggling with the same thing.

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