Building Trust with

Difficult Teachers and Teams

We will break down the building blocks that make up trust as well as the behaviors and ways of being that build trust.  You will learn course-specific powerful communication tools that build trust and can be immediately embedded within the job.

Length: 1.5 hours

Format: Live - Virtual (inquire about in-person options)

Components of Trust

Coaches dive into the nuances of the four pieces that make up trusting relationships.

Concrete Strategies

Coaches learn and practice 14 concrete strategies and tools to intentionally build trust, especially with difficult teachers.

Shifting Mindsets

The tools coaches learn to build trust empower them to create an environment where resistant teachers feel safe to be vulnerable and shift their mindsets.

The Tools You Need To Build Trust with Teachers and Teams

Live Workshop (Virtual)


  • Learn how to intentionally build trust
  • Concrete strategiesĀ 
  • Immersive practices
  • Modeling
  • Intentional practice
  • Action Steps

Live Workshop with Follow Up Coaching


  • All features of live workshop
  • Follow up on action steps from the workshop
  • Coaching support on barriers to success
  • Intentional next steps
  • Create a sustainable change plan

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